An individual on effective HIV treatment can not pass on the HIV virus when they are ‘undetectable’.
'Undetectable equals Untransmittable', U=U has been a life-changing finding for many people living with HIV. It means that if you are on effective treatment with an undetectable viral load, you do not have to worry about passing on HIV through sex, even if you do not use a condom.
This has helped many people living with HIV have more fulfilling sex lives and less anxiety around sex.
Knowing that 'Undetectable equals Untransmittable' is especially useful for people wishing to have a child. Couples in which one person has undetectable HIV and the other is HIV negative can have unprotected sex in order to conceive.
We’re telling everyone: someone living with HIV and on effective treatment can’t pass it on.
It's one of the most positive messages someone living with HIV can hear. It reduces the stigma around HIV and provides motivation to stay on treatment to keep both themselves and their sexual partners healthy.
Can’t Pass It On
U equals U
For at least 20 years we have known that ART reduces HIV transmission. But for the last few years, leading scientists agree that the risk is not just reduced – it is stopped completely.